Today, Tomorrow, into Eternity 오늘도 래일도 영원히
No creation info, but can be assumed to be fairly recent considering it is a Kim Jong-un song. The way the music is arranged, combined with the lyrics and how everyone is signing together reminds me of a Christian hymn. I was only able to find one performance of this song on YouTube from the October 11th, 2015 joint Moranbong Band and State Merited Chorus concert.
Joint Performances
Moranbong Band and State Merited Chorus. 10.11.2015. All the Moranbong Band singers, State Merited Chorus singers, and the background singers join in on this one.
English Lyrics
Lyrics by Moranbong Band HD
Even if you live in a mountain village or on an island far away
His love, it shines on you as if it came from the Sun
He devotes all his spirit to our whole people
His efforts have no end
We follow only Him
Our Comrade Kim Jong-un
We support only His ideas
Today, tomorrow, into eternity
He who inspired us with great strength to realize our dreams
We will never let go of the helping hand of our Father
Within His arms lies the roots for a happy life
Our people have no fear
We follow only Him
Our Comrade Kim Jong-un
We support only His ideas
Today, tomorrow, into eternity
On His given signal we rush into any storm
In devotion with our hearts filled with honor
With only one single minded wish to strengthen our unity
In defending the well being of our Marshal
We follow only Him
Our Comrade Kim Jong-un
We support only His ideas
Today, tomorrow, into eternity
Korean Lyrics
Lyrics by Moranbong Band HD
산촌에 살고 외진 섬에 살아도
그이 사랑은 해빛처럼 비치네
인민위해 온넋을 바쳐가시는
그 로고 끝이 없어라
그 품만을 따르리
우리의 김정은동지
그 뜻만을 받들리
오늘도 래일도 영원히
무든 꿈 이룰 억센 힘을 키워준
어버이손길 우린 놓지 못하네
행복한 삶의 뿌리 그 품에 내려
인민은두렴 물라라
그 품만을 따르리
우리의 김정은동지
그 뜻만을 받들리
오늘도 래일도 영원히
아 -
폭풍쳐가리 그이 부르신 길에
영광에 넘쳐 우린 심장 바치리
오직 한마음한뜻 더 굳게 뭉쳐
원수님 안녕 지키리
그 품만을 따르리
우리의 김정은동지
그 뜻만을 받들리
오늘도 래일도 영원히
그 뜻만을 받들리
오늘도 래일도 영원히